Friday, March 25, 2011


How are we all doing this fine freezing friday?
I am doing great, wanna know why? okay, I will tell you!
Kephy got a shot. :|
If you know Kephy, that is a HUGE DEAL.
I am suddenly upset that Debbie didnt take pictures. Lets just say I had a 2mg Xanex in my body, that my doctor prescribed to me, because I was so terrified to get a shot. PEOPLE! I HAVE AN ISSUE. 
Dont try to explain to me that shots are not a big deal. I dont care. They are a big deal to me. I dont like needles, I dont like the juice going in me. I just plain dont like it.
{ask me how I am going to give birth. I DONT KNOW.}
Anywho, that xanex worked wonders. I was laughing most of the time. It was utterly fabulous.
Lets go back one year ago last Christmas. I got my wisdom teeth out. Lets just say I cried like a little baby, not for my teeth coming out, but for the IV that was placed in my hand to put me out. I had a cheeseburger the day of surgery. Its all about the needle folks. 
Anyway, I can now officially go to India. I have my Hep A and B shots, and my life is complete. 
I have to get two more next week but I know I can do it!! :)
This last weekend was INSANE. I went to GAGA and ran the Moab 5 mile race.
I finished the race. Thats all that matters!!!!
It was a lot of fun to be with the familia, and then Dave and I blasted back home to the ESA to see Miss Gaga her self. 
Because we are all little monsters.
Lets just say I do not know where all of the people came from that were at this concert. But it was insane. We are talking crazy. No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life....They were ALL there. Thank you GAGA for making us all feel like we belong! Most people from Utah probably would have crapped their pants, seeing these people, {I think Dave did a little! haha} It was just very exciting. Thats all I can say. Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure:
Moab Race!

8 hours later:

These guys were next to us.  The man on the left was in six inch heels. Awesome.

Dont ask.

GaGa in all her glory.
Peace, Love, and Gaga.>>>>>^^^^^