HI ya folks! So much crazyness has been going on! Last night I just got back from Hawaii, amazing, I think so, even tho my team didnt do as hot as we would have liked, it was great just to be on a beach everyday. So go ahead, ask me... How did you get all your homework done while you were in Hawaii Katie?... I didnt. I wake up this morning (to a freaking blizzard) and realize im not in paradise anymore, and it probably wouldnt have hurt me to pick up a text book on the beach one of those days, or even better open up a book during the 6 and 1/2n hour plane flight.... yup im a dummy! But on the bright side, ONLY 4 WEEKS LEFT PEEPS! thats right summer is coming!!!!!! I can not freakin wait. Vacations, concerts, pool, friends.. but the stressors are... Work (Where? HELP!), summer school (Math 1050 you are the death of me), weddings. So much! I cant wait to see kephy and we can rejoin our summer adventures come May!!!! ( in the words of keph RUFF RUFF!!!!) It weird to think we'll be juniors in college... YUCKY! I want to be peter pan, and never grow up, life is hard and it really chaps my hide! Heres some pics of hawaii.
Three Girls. Three Colleges. Three Stories.
We are Three Best Friends, documenting our experiences throughout our lives.

Monday, March 28, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
How are we all doing this fine freezing friday?
I am doing great, wanna know why? okay, I will tell you!
Kephy got a shot. :|
If you know Kephy, that is a HUGE DEAL.
I am suddenly upset that Debbie didnt take pictures. Lets just say I had a 2mg Xanex in my body, that my doctor prescribed to me, because I was so terrified to get a shot. PEOPLE! I HAVE AN ISSUE.
Dont try to explain to me that shots are not a big deal. I dont care. They are a big deal to me. I dont like needles, I dont like the juice going in me. I just plain dont like it.
{ask me how I am going to give birth. I DONT KNOW.}
Anywho, that xanex worked wonders. I was laughing most of the time. It was utterly fabulous.
Lets go back one year ago last Christmas. I got my wisdom teeth out. Lets just say I cried like a little baby, not for my teeth coming out, but for the IV that was placed in my hand to put me out. I had a cheeseburger the day of surgery. Its all about the needle folks.
Anyway, I can now officially go to India. I have my Hep A and B shots, and my life is complete.
I have to get two more next week but I know I can do it!! :)
This last weekend was INSANE. I went to GAGA and ran the Moab 5 mile race.
I finished the race. Thats all that matters!!!!
It was a lot of fun to be with the familia, and then Dave and I blasted back home to the ESA to see Miss Gaga her self.
Because we are all little monsters.
Lets just say I do not know where all of the people came from that were at this concert. But it was insane. We are talking crazy. No matter gay, straight or bi, lesbian, transgendered life....They were ALL there. Thank you GAGA for making us all feel like we belong! Most people from Utah probably would have crapped their pants, seeing these people, {I think Dave did a little! haha} It was just very exciting. Thats all I can say. Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure:
Moab Race!
8 hours later:
These guys were next to us. The man on the left was in six inch heels. Awesome.
Dont ask.
GaGa in all her glory.
Peace, Love, and Gaga.>>>>>^^^^^
Friday, March 18, 2011
awwwwwww kkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!
Do what ever you want ya bum cheek!!!!!!!! Just know that in your heart you will have a tiny hole because you will know that we thought of this whole idea first. True, I may not be on as often as I should!!! But I try :( But whatever just take it away with your other two best friends.
PEace OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really really wanna stay tho.... :)
PEace OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really really wanna stay tho.... :)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Three Girls..Two are failing.
One night, a few months ago, Three Girls were sitting and talking and discussing how they wanted to create a blog. We created this blog to stay in touch, laugh, and make fun of people/other bloggers.
I'm not saying I am perfect...but lets look here...I am the only one who posts at least on a semi regular basis.
{ok, I am perfect. hehe jk}
So people, I pose you these questions. I know of a few girls who would like to start posting.
Would that ruin the whole three girls stories?
Would we have to change the name of the blog?
Or should I just trust that the original two girls, will start to pull through?
Such decisions. Well...thats my story today.
Lady Gaga and Moab this weekend. Boom Baby.
{Also, I am doing remarkably well on the whole no fast food situation. Deal with it.}
**Peace, Love, and New Girls?**
Monday, March 14, 2011
Day Light Savings..FAIL
Well here I am laying in bed..I have for the past two hours.
WIDE AWAKE. Hello People.
I could run a freaking marathon right now. That is how awake I am.
And I find my self thinking how great In N Out sounds right now. No I am not going to go get it, I gave it up for lent, come on now. But that is just what I am thinking. .I also have to go potty really really bad currently, and I am extremely thirsty. What is my body doing?!?! WHY ME?!?! I just want to go to sleep, because I know in about 12 hours, I will be falling asleep at my desk, and in about oh 7 hours I wont want to get out of bed.
Blasted Eff.
Blasted Eff.
I sure hope all of you are having a wonderful sleep currently.
Peace, Love, and SLEEEEP.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Swimming, Lent, and some random stuff.
So many things I could talk about right now.
First off: I am alive. I finished the math mid-term and here I am.
Second: I think I am the only one who posts anymore. I have my own blog..maybe I should just do this on there?
Third: I think I am kind of into swimming? WHAT? Story Time!!
Lets go back...WAYYY back. To when I was ohhh about 7 years old.
Its a beautiful summer day, and I am at swimming lessons. Its jumping off the diving board time, and all of the children run to the diving board with excitement. I of course look at my mom, and tears start to form in my eyes. I slowly make my way to the diving board (last in line of course) and await my fate. As I approach the diving board this unnerving feeling comes over me, and somehow even if I had gone potty ten minutes before, my bladder is completely full again, and ready to trickle ever so nicely down my freakishly long legs. {did people know I was wetting my swimming suit? no. My swimming suit was already wet, so it looked natural. At least I hope? haha} Anyway, I now stand on the diving board, pee puddle and all, staring at my swimming instructors. {there were two girls} They swim in the deep end, smiling at me, encouraging me to jump, I begin to grasp my nose, and they tell me to stop, and that they will catch me before my head goes underwater. FALSE. I jump, they dont catch me in time, I go under suck up the entire pool in my nose, and this continues to happen every time diving board time comes along.
What did I gain from these swimming lessons? A greater fear of water. Thank you.
I am 20 years old, and have to plug my nose. Deal with it people. I doggy paddle just fine.
I would now like to make a shout out to the brilliant people who decided to make nose plugs. Thank you for thinking of the swimmers who have issues.
Well thats what I have done! I bought nose plugs, goggles, and now I can swim like a swimmer.
{looking slightly like a nerd with my nose plug haha}
Fourth: I came to work today and someone told me that today is the first day of LENT, and she asked what I was going to give up.
I am giving up Fast Food.
For 40 days, I will not be partaking of the big FF. You can tempt me all you want with your delicious fry's and fry-sauce, chicken sandwiches, and even worse the new in N out Burger in Centerville, I wont come near you.
Fifth: I signed up for a triathlon. Who knows if I will even be able to do it. But I signed up anyway.
Sixth: its the Moab 10K not this weekend but the next. {otherwise known as Oxt Saturday}
I'm not sure if I will be able to do that. I am terrified. Dang Asthma!!
Seventh: Lady Gaga is the night of the 10K. Ask me if I am excited to go.
YES I AM SOO FLIPPING EXCITED. Lets play a love game baby.
Eighth: I dont have much more to say except for this~
Never Say Never. :)
$$Peace, Love, and Smile ya sillies!!$$
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Soooo Tallllll
This is what I feel like..

But seriously..its how I feel sometimes.
For example: Today I am wearing heels, and jeans. Not a big deal for the average girl/woman. In fact, it is highly encouraged for woman to wear heels to increase their bum/leg tightness ratio. But that is when you are the average 5 feet, 4 inches and enjoying the air an entire six inches below me. I want to have my bum tighter and legs looking sexy and not feel like a freak. Because I think when I am that tall {6'2 in heels} people just look at me and wonder if I know how tall I am..and then...they just ask. Have you never seen someone tall before!? Cant you just guess in your head how tall I am, and not ask me? haha I think it is hilarious the things people say to others without thinking it fully through. I am also aware that I get caught in this horrible trap of asking people things without thinking it through...but its just that much better when people ask you stupid things.
I am also making a much bigger deal out of this than I usually do.
Here is a picture of the shoes that I am wearing to day~
Run to Gap and get them people. $25
The only other thing I have to say is...I am still eating Cadbury Eggs. I cant stop. Also, my diet was going extremely well until yesterday when I got of the exit and went to Panda Express. Dang you Panda, Dang you to Heck. But I am back on the wagon people. I have decided that Wednesdays are going to be my breaking days as far as food goes.
Last but not least..I want to do something different with my hair.
No I am not gonna dye it people. Just get lots of layers I think. I dont know I am scared, but I need a change. Also I am gonna shoot this Math Mid-Term. If you dont hear back from me.. it will be because math has killed me.
Enjoy the month of MARCH.
11 months people. Do you know what happens in 11 months?
My best friend will be by my side again.
{Here is to hoping that actually happens!}
*~*Peace, Love, and Smile*~*
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