Let me begin by saying that I am not a blogger. This is actually my first time attempting to write something on this blog and I am beginning to wonder if I am even doing this right.
I want to begin by telling my besties that i miss them and am in need of some basement time with our blankets :) Yes I am the one you have been hearing about that is failing...miserable.... sad but true. Well here goes my first attempt!
I am 20 years old and just realizing that life is going to be complicated. I sound naive I know but really why does making decisions and choices seem like such a daunting task? It seems like right now I am faced with so many decisions that at this point i feel unprepared to make. Yesterday while in class my professor told us that the greatest advice he could give us was to live our life's with the least amount of regrets as possible. I thought about this all day. I thought about my past regrets and how i could prevent future regrets. I came to the conclusions that in order to do this I need to not live in the past and but need to focus on the present and the life I am living. After all who knows what I could be missing out on if I am not living for the present. I know it sounds obvious that life should be lived that way.... but non the less it is something that I need to work on!
Well there ya have it. My first post. Hopefully I can get this posting thing down better.
We are Three Best Friends, documenting our experiences throughout our lives.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Parents are Leaving!!!!
Parents are on a plane to Maui right now.

Am I jealous?
I already went on an incredible tropical vacation this year.
{Thats me :) I was blessed with my mothers ugly toes.}
Am I so incredibly excited to have the house to my self?
Now you think to your self..what will I be doing with the entire house to myself?
I will be enjoying alone time!
watching movies by my self.
eating dinner by my self.
cleaning by my self.
It sounds kind of depressing, but I cant even explain how excited I am for this!!!!
{Dont get me wrong, I love my dear parental units! They do everything for me.}
One very exciting thing that I will be doing however, is I be going to Logan to visit my bestie!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!
We are gonna have soooooo much fun. {In logan that is hard to do..but it will be awesome.}
I will finally get to meet her roommate. I have talked to her on the phone a million times, we are friends on the Book that we call Face, and I am pretty sure we were friends in another life.
{Heres to hoping it wont be weird meeting her in real life!}
One week of precious alone time..Hooray for parents going on Vacations!!
******Peace, Love, and Smile******
Thursday, February 17, 2011
“Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other.” ~Euripides
Found out early this morning that a friend was cutting themself. Only three people know, and I only know because one of the person who told me is the older sister. I want to help, I want them to be happy, I want all of their depression gone, I want to bring them confidence, I want to make sure I always show them love, I want them to understand that they are loved, I want them to do what makes them happy. I never ever would have expected this from this person, and It kills me that no one saw it.
This makes me think that no matter who we know in life, meet in life, dislike in life, we need to always make the better of it, we dont know whats behind others doors and how something so little can affect them.
I love you, remember that. Please love yourself back.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I Hate Valentines Party!!
Lets just open with this:
and a little bit of this:
I first must explain this brilliant poster, that I love. Lets just say I have been going through a little romantic dry spell, and ya know what I have to say to that? Who needs Boys?
REWIND!! New Years Eve, a bunch of us girls got together and we went to the Cheese Cake Factory! It was delicious. Well among the girls was one couple, and naturally they decided to leave us after dinner to have some "alone" time.
All of the girls ended up back at my house, and there was a knock at the door! My mom came down and got us, and the lovely poster you see above, was lying on my front porch!
The lovely couple that left us, brought us the poster, and wrote
"I'll be your new years kiss!"
Fast Forward!!! It is now February 14. Nothing has changed. Still no man.
My friends and I decided to embrace the fact that we are single.
So we had a PARTY! Woot Woot.
I brought our man along, and check out the amazing goodies we made!
{I cant take credit for the cupcakes, or the strawberries.}
We all had a blast though! We told horrible date stories, gossiped, ate lots of food, caught up with old friends, laughed, and watched the Bachelor.
I leave you with this:
Who needs a man when you have fun friends?
Me? Probably. hehe
Peace, Love, and Smile ya sillies!*
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Men From Downstairs
I love my job! Its amazing...
like seriously I look forward to coming to work everyday.
I am a receptionist, so I get to see a lot of funny things happen as people walk back and forth.
We have full on glass doors, the elevators are right by me, and so are the bathrooms.
So I can basically see everything.
It is great.
I am a creeper I guess.
Anyway, today I am going to talk about the Bathroom Bandits!
We are on the sixth floor of this building, and its great! We also have this amazing guy who creates wonderful flower arrangements for our lobby area, and bathrooms. Well awhile back we were having some issues with the urinals in the men's restroom and it seemed as though someone was having some aiming issues. I dont work in a pre-school people. Who aim's completely off in their adult life? seriously. After I got complaints from people I started to notice who was going in and out of the mens restroom.
I began to see the regulars, and the not so regulars.
{haha get it? "Regular"}
One day I was sitting at my desk, and I noticed a guy came straight out of the elevator and into the men's restroom. I thought I had caught the man who cant aim!!
So I asked my guy friend to walk in there after he left, and nothing was wrong.
Well now I notice all of these men from the company down stairs who come up and use our restrooms.
It is always fun to catch them when they come out of the elevator and say
"Good Afternoon! How can I help you?"
And then they just shake their head and walk into the restroom.
I have a message for The Men From Downstairs:
I dont think you are coming to our restroom's for the pretty flower arrangments.
I think you are coming to take a poopy poop.
I also think you are coming because you cant aim straight.
Thank you for being my entertainment.
Get your own Potty.
*Peace, Love, and Smile*
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Now Accepting Applications
Alright people, Girl Number 3 is currently FAILING. which is a sad thing..but something that she has chosen. SO, what I say is there must be three girls {its kind of the name of our blog} so thats basically all of my requirements: You must be a girl. HAHA
On a more exciting note: I put my application for India in. Here's to going to India this summer!!!
Peace, Love, and Smile**
Thursday, February 3, 2011
I Really Really REALLY want to go on an adventure. Something just so crazy, and out of my comfort zone. I have always wanted to go to India ever since I saw Slumdog Millionaire, and now I think I finally have a chance at going! I found out one of my friends did it this last summer and while it was hard, she loved every second of it, and said that it changed her life. The ideal situation would be to have a buddy to go with, but I am realizing this may be an adventure no one will want to/can afford to go on/cant get off work. I still need to talk to my job share to see if she can work the three weeks that I would be gone. But I feel like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I seriously want to take it while I can. We are only young once right? I may as well live it up.
*Peace, Love and Smile :)
*Peace, Love and Smile :)
Days like these....
Take chances. Tell the truth. Date someone totally wrong for you. Say no. Spend all your cash! Fall in love. Get to know someone random. Be random. Say I love you. Sing out loud. Laugh at a stupid joke. Cry. Get revenge. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Tell the asshole what you feel. Let someone know what theyre missing. Laugh til your stomach hurts. LIVE LIFE!
some thoughts....
Ive never wanted four months to go by faster!
Im not ready to be on a plane again every weekend.
Homework is a b word.
People arent always as happy as they act.
My roommate is getting married...she is too young and just wants a ring....
My shins will never feel good.
Bananas are only good in peanutbutter.
blackeyed peas really arent that great of a band.
Febuary needs to go faster.
Super bowl?? I dont get football.
I miss glee.
Im the only person in study hall right now, there for my music, is real real loud.
I miss you.
I want to be tan, and on a beach.
I need a new toothbrush.
I also need to write a paper.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Hello February!
Good Morning February!
Its the month of love. Right now all I am loving is this new skirt I am wearing.
28 days: I love short months. We can get through February {and the 14th} and soon we will be half way through the semester. Do you know what that means folks? It will almost be summer. I'm seeing roadtrips, and exciting adventures in my/the girls future.
Please get me through this semester! I dont know what I am going to be when I grow up. Who at 20 does?! What is the rush? We are going to get through February, we are going to enjoy being young.
Summer will be here soon.
Peace, Love, and Smile.
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